The Unconventional for The Paraprofessional.
TREX ARMS- Dump Pouch Review
TREX Arms Dump Pouch attached to the AXL Advanced Eclipse Belt.
Are you tired of losing your mags on the flat range while doing 1 reload 1’s from videos Lucas made forever ago? Are you tired of walking out to the end of the 200yd lane just to realize you forgot the fucking staple gun? Look no further homie- TREX Arms has got you. Introducing the TREX Arms Dump Pouch.
Does this really need an introduction? Its been on the block for awhile now. “Why the fuck are you talking about it then Austin?”- because its pretty fucking good. Lets get into it.
Coming in at $45 USD you cant really touch it for what its got going on. Sure you can get the AR500 Dump Pouch for 28 bucks, but it will probably send spall through your brain at terminal velocity! It features an innovative mounting solution, pocket brim, closing capability, leg strap compatibility, and a stow mode. Colors that are available are Black, Coyote Brown, Multicam Original, Ranger Green, and Wolf Grey. I opted for the multicam original to compliment the rest of my kit.
The pouch comes with the reputation of TREX Arms- high quality and high speed. The stitching is superb, good fabric cuts, and an overall quality feel. This isn’t your moms dump pouch. (Nice work Relyant Solutions)
Its 6 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and 7.5 inches high when full expanded. In its most collapsed form its 6 inches wide, about 3 inches deep, and 3 inches high. At full capacity you can shove about 6 30rnd Magpul PMAGS respectively- most field loads being 7 mags gives this a good check in my book. For shits and giggles I practiced some AK reloads on my buddies WASR-10 and it did just fine. While not even near a good solution- it got the job done.
How it Mounts-
The pouch mounts via a hook and loop field system that only adds to the hook field in the popular inner/ outer belt systems on the market today. Basically what you do is unhook the Velcro and wrap it around the outside of your belt in position- closing the loop around the belt. The inside of the loop features the field side of the Velcro allowing it to stay in place. the outside of the loop you’ve just created sports a hook field that hooks to your inner belt. In the case of the AXL Advanced Eclipse Belt it increases functionality compared to the reserved strip inside the outer belt- I wont complain.
This demonstrate the last step on closing the loop to mount to the outer belt.
The inside on the Dump Pouch interfaces with the inner belt and your girlfriend’s hair.
The Brim-
This is my only point of contention with the dump pouch. The pouch features what I refer to as a brim on approximately 40% of the opening. Most other dump pouches are completely open on the top allowing super fast dumping of mags. This can also lead to a problem where when you move around quickly you end up dumping the shit you put in it on the ground. TREX Arms solution was to add this brim. The brim stops shit from flying out while in 6th gear, but comes with a caveat.
When I’m manipulating a firearm I like to keep my eyes forward, not behind my back watching where my mag is going. I found myself routinely smashing my hand into the brim while wearing gloves. This problem is definitely less prevalent without gloves and I think would be non existent with more training. Work your reps, and get good with your gear. That’s what I intend to do with this small hiccup.
My mag getting caught up on the brim.
Leg Strap, Engage-
The bottom of the Dump Pouch features two loops that allow for the attachment of the included leg strap. This prevents the pouch from excessive movement while on the move. This isn’t something I’m really interested in using as I feel like its just another thing I could get caught up on. I won’t complain about extra features though. It’s always better to have and not need than need and not have.
Closing Shop-
When you aren’t clearing your house for the 30th time before you have to leave for work you can close the top of the pouch. This is helpful for when you need to transport things like your water bottle, evidence, or just your empty mags to wherever you are going. This handy feature takes advantage of the loop field on the outside of the pouch.
You can get creative and add something to the handy tie through they have added to the flap. Maybe the LumiMod Washers for PID? Who knows. This flap conveniently stashes inside of the pouch to another loop field. BUT WAIT- THERES MORE.
When training is done you can roll this pouch back up onto itself. This is extremely convent for storage and transportation. Sitting in a vehicle with a belt on is hard enough- let alone with fairly large pouch for you to sit on.
The pouch roles up into a fraction of its size utilizing the same flap the closes the top. Quickly pull the tab for quick deployment and you are good to go.
The TREX Arms Dump Pouch in the closed position.
Final Thoughts-
The TREX Arms Dump Pouch is not something you should pass on. If you are building a battle belt you should save 6 inches of space for this. It comes with a robust feature set that will push you to get better with reps, superb quality, and its American made. What else could you ask for? For $45 bucks you would be stupid to not add this to your kit.
Another solid entry from TREX Arms.
Get yours here.