The Stoner of Tomorrow

REV Firearms X Kit Badger- Stoner Rifle Grip First Impressions

When Kit Badger dropped his video announcing the Stoner Rifle Grip in December I knew it was something that shouldn’t be slept on. I fired up his website and ordered one.

Introducing the Stoner Rifle Grip- the ultimate collaboration between REV Firearms and Kit Badger.

Lets Get Vertical-

The grip sports a 102° grip angle which supports modern rifle stances better than anything else I have tried on the market. Picture it like a BCM Mod 3 on fucking steroids. It may come a little unnatural at first but put your rifle down and pick it up a new person.


This grip is made with industry leading 3d printed techniques making it ultra strong construction and very light. The grip is textured with a peel and stick grip tape that is the perfect amount of grab without tearing blisters.

Kit Badger REv Firearms Stoner Rifle Grip Ar15 Ar10

Customization inbound-

The First 100 units made shipped with grip tape in both black and tiger stripe (damn I wish DNC won). I opted to murder mine out for my 16 inch build. Ivan promises to get more colorways available for order soon- cheers to that mate.


The more time I spend with this rifle fine tuning it the happier I get. With its latest addition its only a matter of time before I ditch my 10.5 completely. Lets hope production on these grips ramps up quickly so more of you can get your hands on them.

Stay tuned for updates on this awesome piece of kit. by signing up for our mailing list.


Buy Once, Crye Once


The Unconventional for The Paraprofessional.